046 90 60 418 / 085 752 22 22 Open Mo-Fri 9:00. - 18:00. Sat-Sun 11:00 - 17:00 info@navanpc.ie


1 General observations.
Pay attention to ports, clean them with a brush, check hinges.

2 Make sure that all batteries, covers and buttons are in place,
Attach a check list, take a notice.

3 If it is possible, upgrade RAM memory to 4 GB or more.
4 Run RAM memory test, check temperature of the bottom.
5 If it is hot, dismantle and clean the cooling radiator and fan. If it is noisy, apply oil inside the fan. If needed, replace thermopaste.
6 Take a notice of result of tests
7 Run HD regenerator, check temperature of the bottom.
8 If needed or if the processor is too weak replace HD to SSD
9 Install OS W10, UK language
10 Right click on open field > personalize > Themes > Desktop items > Computer, User Files, Recycle bin, Control panel Need to be ticked.

11 Pin Internet explorer to taskbar, set home page as www.google.ie
12 Connect to internet; check date, time, region and activation.
13 Download and install Chrome, set home page as www.google.ie
14 Icon “This PC“: Right click > Manage > Device Manager > if needed, install drivers from Driver Pack or from manufactures website
15 Test camera, microphone, speakers, keyboard
Disconnect battery, check time and date.

16 Change power settings on battery - 1 hour.
17 Test battery, run video on YouTube. Make notice of time
18 Make sure Windows Defender is active and no errors
19 Clean exterior plastic and screen.
20 Make label – price tag, print and publish online – website + Instagram + Facebook +
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