046 90 60 418 / 085 752 22 22 Open Mo-Fri 9:00. - 18:00. Sat-Sun 11:00 - 17:00 info@navanpc.ie

9am - 6pm     Monday-Friday,

Saturday 11am - 5pm.     Sunday and bank holidays closed.

Contact Details - Navan PC

Please contact us with any queries you may have.

Navan PC Repairs Enquiry
Navan PC

Advanced Technology

Eircode: C15 XT82

15 Railway Street


Co. Meath


Mobile: 085 752 22 22

Landline: 046 906 0418

Eircode: C15 XT82

Service is also available by post. Please call for details.

New arrivals !
Prizes !
Life hacks !
Like and share

World intellectual property


Computer technician,

IT consultant

Phone service


Computer technician, Consultant,
Gaming console specialist and content media creator.


Computers and Electronics Engineer BSc



Computer technician

  Newspaper about us

We make computers work faster and safer.

Our goal is: Our Accomplishments: The business:

To provide people with access to global information net.

The Internet is a zone of freedom and equal opportunities.

We believe that everyone should be able to get to know the world.

Everyone should be able to express their opinion.

26 years of experience

We are online from beginning of era of internet.

Multicultural background.

Worked for Microsoft, Dell, and CISCO and Amazon.

We are a capable company and what we don’t know now,

we are more than willing to learn.

New and refurbished computers for sale, Laptops, Desktops,

Tablets, Gaming consoles.

Repairs, Upgrades.

Advertising LED displays manufacturing. Sales. Repairs.

Digital Business Cards

We are big fans of the original Olympic motto:        “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together.”

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